Recommended for Schools

Leanne PIGGOTT The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Timeless Struggle, Science Press 2008 A balanced and accessible textbook specifically designed to cover the NSW syllabus, by a lecturer on the subject at Sydney University.

Martin GILBERT The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israel Conflict, Routledge 2002

Comprehensive historical texts

Howard M. SACHAR
A History of Israel from the Rise of Zionism to our Time
Second edition (Alfred A Knopf, New York 2000.)
A fully detailed text comprising 1153 pages.

Israel – a History (Doubleday, London 1998)
750 pages. A very readable text.

A History of Zionism (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1972).
640 pages. The full story of the modern Zionist movement ending with the creation of Israel.

Stein, L. (2003) The Hope Fulfilled: The Rise of Modern Israel, Greenwood Press

Wigoder, G. (ed.) (1994) New Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel, AUP

Documentary Anthologies

Walter LAQUEUR and Barry RUBIN(Editors)
The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict
6th edition (Viking Penguin 2001)
560 pages containing most of the central documentary source material.

Michael CURTIS, Ed.
The Palestinians: People, History, Politics
(Transaction Books, New Brunswick 1975).
An anthology of primary materials, selected from a pro-Palestinian viewpoint.

The Zionist Idea
(Atheneum, New York 1969)
638 pages of extracts from early Zionist ideological writing, with full commentary.

Material for Discussion

Allan DERSHOWITZ The Case for Peace: How the Arab-Israel Conflict can be resolved (John Wiley and Sons 2005)

Edward SAID
The Question of Palestine (Vintage Books 1992)
The classic exposition of the Arab case against Israel.

From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine
(JKAP Publications USA 1993 – previously Harper & Rowe 1984)
An analysis of the conflicting claims, based on historical and statistical material.


Official websites

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs –

Palestinian Authority official website –
Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs –

English language newspapers
1. The Jerusalem Post (Newspaper of record) –

2. Ha-Aretz (“The Land”. Left-wing.) –

3. Arutz Sheva (“Channel Seven”. Right-wing Religious) –

3. The Cairo Times –

4. The Daily Star, Lebanon –


Pillar of Fire: The Rebirth of Israel 1986
The 50 Year War; Israel and the Arabs BBC 1998
Tkuma: Israel’s First 50 years 1999
(“Pillar of Fire” and “Tkuma” are both available to borrow in NSW from Academy BJE, [email protected] or tel. 93657900)